Monday, June 30, 2014

Tell Them to Never Stop Running Like a Girl

There is a commercial floating around social media made for Always. You know, tampons and maxi pads. The good stuff every women needs and no one wants to talk about. But we are going to talk about it - maybe even shout about it and even, if your me, cry about it a little. Why? Because it's amazingly powerful and eye opening - and a little bit sad.

Watch this. Take a breath and then keep reading.

Two things you need to know about me before we proceed: One, I used to work in advertising and two, until I was 12 years old it was seriously hard to tell if I was a boy or a girl because I was a raging tom-boy. (Sidenote - I hate that term and I hope since the 80s it's been laid to rest. How about just "athlete" who just so happens to be female.)

Lets start with the first - as an ad I don't know if this is really building brand awareness and going to help sell tampons or what. But I also don't care because that's not my point here. I hardly can remember what the ad is about at the end because I have been so moved that I had to immediately sit down and write a blog post. But is it generating that all important, buzz, yes. Is it building awareness of being a woman and what we are and what we're capable of? I think so. 

Second and why I am writing in the first place is because what this ad shows us that has nothing to do with tampons but everything to do with girls and women. It asks, "Why can't 'Run Like a Girl' also mean win the race". Well hhmm, I have been asking myself this for 30 years. Except not so much for running but for throwing and hitting and in general just being a damn good athlete.

I played baseball from the age of 5. When I was in third grade and 9 years old I tried out for Little League. I made a team in my small town in Massachusetts. Almost immediately after word got out at school boys who didn't make a team started saying "the only reason you made the league is because every team needed a girl". I went from being on such a high from a great little accomplishment to crying on the walk home from the bus. At Opening Day, I looked at all the other teams lined up at the field and I counted the girls. 6 teams: and only 3 girls, total accross all the teams. I was 9 years old - and I yes, I remember how many teams, how many girls, what those girls' names were and what the name of the boys who said I didn't deserve to be there were. Girls are impressionable. What you say to them matters, so say something smart, and confident building, and tell them they're awesome when they deserve to be told they're awesome. I, and those two other girls, were awesome. We stood there not because we were a quota but because we deserved to be there. Thank god I knew that internally, because I don't think anyone actually said it outloud.

Four years later I was 12 and still playing Little League for my fourth and final year. In the spring of sixth grade two things happened that I remembered vividly.

First, I played catcher and made a kick-ass play at the plate to tag out a boy who was trying to run home. I caught the ball, squared myself and braced for impact. The boy slide into home knocking all 85 pounds of me about five feet back. But before I took flight, I tagged him, and when I landed I raised my girl-glove and showed that I still had the ball. Out at home.

Second, I hit a grand slam home-run. It was my one and only home-run I ever hit; It was perfect to me and we won the game.

Both of these things should have been my accomplishments, right? Right. Yet instead, they turned into someone else's failures instead of my success. Again, in school the next days after each incident I walked in head high expecting to be the story of the day. I wasn't. In the case of the play at home - it wasn't about me and my athletic prowess but rather the fact that boy who tried to make it home "ran in to a girl" and "still got out". In the case of the grand-slam - it wasn't about me and the fact that I hit a Little League regulation home-run straight over the center field fence while the pressure was on and three people were on base. No. It was about the boy pitcher who must have "lobbed a ball" over the plate and "pitched a grand-slam a girl." In both cases, it wasn't about me. Not even in the least. The boys were humiliated, taunted, teased and ridiculed (even into our tenth high school reunion a few years ago, seriously). It never occurred to anyone that maybe, just maybe, I played a mean-ass catcher and hit the shit out of that ball. I was furious. Girls are impressionable. What you say to them matters, so say something smart, and confident building, and tell them they're awesome when they deserve to be told they're awesome. 

I played Little League with "the boys" for four years. I even made the all-star team in the end. And yet, I can't tell you how many times I heard fathers say to their sons "c'mon, you should be able to get her out, she's a girl". I heard, "Not bad for a girl". I heard, "Is that catcher... a girl [insert snort and snicker here]? I heard "She's fast for a girl". I heard "Hey that girl can throw it down to second almost like like a boy". Never did I hear "That number 6 is a good ball player." Period, stop, end of sentence. It was always made gender specific. I hated it.

So here we are to my point: This commercial, for Always, opens your eyes to the fact that "like a girl" is still derogatory. It is still offensive. Just look  at the way the actors portray run/throw like a girl! It's not their fault specifically - it's what they think they are being asked to do. Yet still sad that they have this preconceived notion of what "like a girl" 2014!

The bright light in the tunnel but that also made me cry? The girls, age 10, that show us (remind me) what it is really like to run/throw/punch like a girl. Why are we still having to prove ourselves as girls and women? Where do we lose this sense of awesome self? Teach your girls to run like a girl. Teach your girls to hit and throw and jab and play like a girl. I think we, as moms and as a society are doing ok at this... But here is the tricky part and clearly what we are missing; Tell them never to stop. It has been 26 years since I made the Little League. In 26 years we haven't changed. This makes me sad and angry. We must raise our daughters to be awesome and then tell them to keep going. It's not enough to give the confidence and then leave them be. We must be there and show them that being athletic, awesome, strong, fast, smart and amazing like a girl is a lifetime trait. 

And PS - tell your sons to say "good job". Take that fricken chip off their shoulders and let them play amoungst the girls. I think we tend to segregate the boys and girls so early now that we are showing the boys that they must be better or different. Yes, they will most likely get bigger and stronger. But not today, not at 5 years old, not even at 10. So let them play with the girls - hey let them even get schooled by a girl and then make them said "good game" period, full stop.

Please share this article on your social media and tag #likeagirl

Friday, June 27, 2014

Betty Designs - Visor Review

Friday I'm In Love Review: 

Betty Designs - Signature Visor 2

I have a small head. The kind of small where I never graduated out of the junior department in glasses...or hair bands....or hats. Not a big deal; I mean I'm not walking around all Beatlejuice Head - it fits the rest of me just fine. But every summer - it kind of sucks as a runner. You see, I happen to live at the beach where it is sunny and hot from May to September. In addition to the heat issue - I also happen to have a 35 year old face - that I hope to pass off as a '35 year old face' for at least another 5-7 years. Point is, mamma needs to find some shade. 

I've tried running in hats but due to the tiny noggin issue they fall down over my ears and make me even hotter (as sexy as that sounds, I mean hot in the literal sense). Also, I like to wear my hair in a giant bun high on my head, (I have some serious volume to my locks and it's the only way to go), so a hat is near impossible because I'll take the ear issue and raise you a cone head too. Not ok. 

I've tried visors, and I like them, but my issue is that I have to pull the strap so small on the back they either run out of strap entirely or the Velcro option I am left with is so small it constantly pops open and loose - beyond annoying on a run.

Here's where there story changes: Enter the 2014 visor trend to change the game of small headed runners! I'm don't know where it started or who made it first - but brands have been adopting the elastic wide band of a sport headband to the back of a traditional visor. Holy genius. And I found an awesome one: Betty Designs Signature Visor 2. 

I found it while Googling my new favorite phrase, "womens tri gear". Betty Designs popped up with the words "where runway fashion meets sport" on their homepage. You've got my attention, dear Betty. Betty Designs is kind of like my idea of the perfect fitness clothes. Their stuff looks uber functional fantastic but more (equal, at least!) important - it is beautifully designed... and with an edge, too. Loves it. I like pretty but I don't want pastel flowers like I'm going to a cousins wedding on my work out wear. Give me some edge, I'm tough I can take it - but, oh hey, can you still make it hot? YES, Betty Designs can. 

photos from

I loved everything on Betty Designs site but I am not at their level yet - I am still in the try-ing phase of tri-ing. Betty has full-on tri “kits”, cycling gear, running gear, SUP boards, bikini’s, rash guards and more. But their stuff is straight-up Varsity – and pricey –  so if you don’t have an endless amount of money to blow you better know what to do with your purchase and how to really work it (runway and sport-way). 

While I am not ready for their gear yet, I was ready for their cute visor. I loved it at first sight and hit purchase despite the high price. Three days later I received my Betty Designs package in the mail. Pretty quick turnaround, ey? Well it should be! Cost me $10 just to ship! Ugh, kill me - 10 bucks flat rate even for something as tiny as a visor. I almost didn't buy it because of this alone. I rarely buy anything with shipping cost and if I do - I want $5 and below. But this was so pretty - I cheated my own rule. The shipping snafu was almost fully forgiven once I saw the packaging. I am a sucker for packaging - and this was a good one. Not only was it hot pink plastic envelop but inside my visor slipped out and so did a hand written note! 

No, thank you, Kristen! And how did you know I was training? We're besties already. I love a personal connection - even if it's a faux. 

The feel of this material is crazy smooth - like your favorite pair of wicking shorts than never chaife because they're so light and airy. The color pops with the bright pink contrasting on black and white with Betty Designs logo artwork. Pretty with an edge; Nailed it. The visor itself is made by BoCo Gear.

Next up was putting this bad girl to the melon (or grape) and taking it for a run: Did-not-move and was so light I forgot it was on. Seriously, forgot it was on, "Mom, why're you wearing your new hat thingy to Target?" (Yes, I go to Target unshowered after runs). Kept the sun off my face and sweat locked up in the terry-cloth-ish brow part without feeling hot. Good stuff. 

MOMent of Truth:

I love this visor. I love the design even it's just their logo because, well, it's awesome. I love it because the weight is not existent and because of the boco gear band is functionally perfect for any head (as I assume it comfortably stretches because it certainly feels like it would). 

The only downside to this was the overall price ($29.99) and the $10 shipping. $39.99 for a visor is steep - crazy steep. I love it, but I am kind feeling guilty for the splurge, and I hate to feel guilty for anything but especially don't like any guilt for running stuff because I think about while running - which ain't nobody got time for.

If the shipping was free (or even just more appropriate to the weight of the of the visor and therefore fair/reasonable, than I'd be all over five sneaks. Also you can find this style of visor at stores like Dicks Sporting Goods or Amazon. This Under Armour one fits very nice but is a little heavier and taller on the forehead (which isn't my fav, personally) and is more noticeable while wearing it - but it is significantly cheaper at only $19.99. 

All in all - You had me at design Betty, but you (almost) lost me on the price. I hope to try something more from Betty Designs if I ever move up to varsity and need the real-deal gear...or hit the lottery. 

Betty Designs - Signature Visor 2
3 out 4 Sneakers

This is Sara's opinion - Sara is not affiliated with Betty Design nor compensated in any way for this review

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

But First, Let Me Buy a 'Runsie'

Straight up, I love Lululemon crops. So much so that I pretended not to hear the asshat CEO fatshaming the non-thigh-gapers last year and continued to buy even after the risk of a peep show was discovered. But a "runsie"? Are you serious right now Lulu? Did your email get hacked and that's why I got this notice of product currently in your inventory? Oh my goodness, I just might have to draw the line at Runsie.

photo from

If you shop, you may know that for every product they give a "Why We Made This" explanation. Oh do tell me, Lulu, I beg you, why you made a "runsie":

"why we made this:
We made this easy onesie to keep us cool and collected when we're pounding the pavement. Lightweight and breathable, it layers easily over our favourite bra so that we can stay comfortable wherever our summer run takes us."

Say what now? Does your summer run take you to Crazy Town? It's a onesie! For a grown ass woman to wear while running. Not ok. And in case you're curious it's not ok to the tune of $98.00. In the essence of fairness, I do suppose elite runners wear one-peice singlets but still... Those are for literal function not fashion whereas, dare I say, I think this one tries to be both? 

I can't decide if I am bothered by this because it's literally one piece and the idea of running in this makes me want to preemptively pick a wedgie (sorry, TMI). OR If it's simply because they are calling it a 'runsie' and the name alone is just dripping with ridiculousness and asking to be mocked.

Tell me, what do you think of a 'runsie' and would you wear one?? (Not that maybe you'd tell me now if you would after I've written this... But hey, prove me wrong - tell me what I am missing?

photo from

She can't even look up - that should tell you something...

Turning Training from "Have To" into "Want To"

A 'Training Tuesday' Series Post

I am sitting watching my oldest take swim lessons - it's 10:55am. Usually I am in workout gear and I have to sit among the other mommy-watchers somewhere between close-enough-to-be-friendly and far-enough-to-not-offend. But today - I missed my run. Which is ironic since last night I decided "Tuesday's" for my NEW BLOG would be dedicated to writing about "Training". Ha. Big fat HA.

So that got me thinking... every time I announce (to the tiny runner girl in my head, of course) that I am "officially in training" I have a momentary lapse in dedication and a forget that my feet can in fact move, jump, and yes, even run. Why, once I make training schedule, do I freeze like the kingdom of Arendelle (c'mon, you know the reference, we all do.)? It's because all of sudden, I have to run. Have to. Blech. It says so right there on my list, therefore it must be true - its part of my dreaded to-do list. I put running - my ME time - into a chore. Shame.

Here is how I am going to change that. I am going to turn the have to training schedule into a want to calendar. For one thing - it's summer - and even though I am not technically on summer vacation, I still want to have fun. 

Here are five ways to spice up the summer training schedule and get you to WANT TO get on it. 

1. Buy a new bathing suit. Say what? Yeah, bathing suit. And I don't mean a Victoria's Secret string thing that we love to look good in but can't actually move too fast in for fear of an escaping twin or spontaneous dive-in pantsing. I mean the kind of two-piece or tankini you would have worn in middle school when you thought you were fat (but of course you weren't at all; You're just as beautiful now as then, and then as now). You need a suit that means business when saying "full-coverage" or "secure fit". I will do a more comprehensive review on my suit in a few weeks, but - spoiler alert - I love Dolfin Uglies. They are priced low for masses but fit securely and do the trick. Ok, so why is she telling us to buy a bathing suit? I digress... because you gotta wear it as a bra ladies and run to the pool, beach, lake, sprinkler, H to the 2-o. Give yourself some awesummer motivation. Get to the water in 30 minutes (or whatever time frame you give yourself) and then - boom - rip your top off (PG, please), instant happy the run is over, instant cool-off, instant fun for the kids if you are pushing them stroller style (like me). If you get a two piece and are tiny up top (like me), you can do pretty much any two piece, tankini, whatevs those girls aren't budging for anything. If your bigger busted checkout a Athleta tankini or tri-two piece suit that fits actual bra-sizes and seriously can be just as secure as your go-to sport bra. The bottoms aren't really too much of an issue - just make sure it's downstairs-friendly and comfortable so we don't have any probs.

2. Count it all as a workout. Did you go to the playground? Bike there. Did you push the swings? See if you can do a squat in between each push of a tot-hiney... or a burpee and get back up before getting hit in the head. Use the monkey bars, the steps, the edges for calves raises, box hops etc. Look at the area - the possibilities for a workout are endless. And an added bonus is that I bet your kids join you. I also bet they think it's fun and that you will too. And then when you get home - check it off on your calendar - crosstraining, boom.

3. Take it with you when you go. I can't train this summer- I am going on vacation. What the what? No, no, no. This is an opportunity! You get to workout somewhere you never have before. Maybe even do something you never have before. Run new routes, swim new pools/lakes, sand drills on the beach. Google workouts for the area you are in, search a running group via facebook and find out whats up in that area. And just like number 2 - count it all. Walk on the beach, check mark. Marco Polo with the kids in the pool (tread water while doing it, flutter kick while at the wall), check mark. Walking Disney World,  touring a city, taking a hike, biking a town, check mark. Be conscious of what your doing when you are doing it and just use your body a little more deliberately. Standing a lot? Think calf raises, holding strong abs. At the Water? Walk the sand, get IN the water and move, jump, play. Play catch, kick a ball, be in plank and have the kids crawl/roll/limbo underenath you. Check mark, check mark!

4. Short and Sweet. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout, 'Cause uhm that's me, today. Remember how I missed my morning run? Well it's too hot to go now and my days booked up. I'm gonna grab a T25 dvd in a little bit and get my sweat on home-style. 25 minute video of hard high intensity work and I am done. It's not a run but I can't go back in time (ohhh that'd be so cool) so it's what I've got to work with and it is a workout! There is no bad workout! If you don't have workout DVDs you can always YouTube, Facebook or Instagram some stuff. Workouts are all over. Look one night when you have time to yourself and book mark where they are or save the quick 10 minute fitness memes. Save them so when you miss a workout you can pull from your library and get her done quick and move on. I mean, don't make a habit of this little shortcut, but let it go mama, it's gonna be alright and you won't forget how to run by tomorrow. I promise.

Click here for a Shaun T 15 minute workout

And here's one to take anywhere, seriously, anywhere: 

5. Make your training schedule pretty, show it off, and mark it up. Make your training schedule - even doctor it up nice and pretty if your like me and can' And then show it off. Post it to your social media. I mean, let's be honest, why do we post that we ran today on social medias? To be accountable? To show off? To share with friends? All of the above? Sometimes when I am running I even think about what I'll say on Facebook about my run (what a loser!). It motivates me and even excites me (double loser!) but the goal is to want to to do the workout, right? Knowing I will post my success or even a funny fail about the workout makes me want to do it. I use the app FitSnap to post a pic with my miles and pace on it. It's cute and artistic so it can't be that braggy and obnoxious, right? And finally, mark it up! All those check-marks we made before - put 'em right on that calendar whether it's electronic file you made, or in an app, or pen to paper. Just make a mark so you can look at it and say "yeah I'm kind of a big deal". 

My workout calendar will be posted next week as the RunLifeRunLove Tuesday Training post. 

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Getting The Blog Ready

Working on a layout so I can post some blogs for you all to read! Exciting stuff coming soon!