Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Turning Training from "Have To" into "Want To"

A 'Training Tuesday' Series Post

I am sitting watching my oldest take swim lessons - it's 10:55am. Usually I am in workout gear and I have to sit among the other mommy-watchers somewhere between close-enough-to-be-friendly and far-enough-to-not-offend. But today - I missed my run. Which is ironic since last night I decided "Tuesday's" for my NEW BLOG would be dedicated to writing about "Training". Ha. Big fat HA.

So that got me thinking... every time I announce (to the tiny runner girl in my head, of course) that I am "officially in training" I have a momentary lapse in dedication and a forget that my feet can in fact move, jump, and yes, even run. Why, once I make training schedule, do I freeze like the kingdom of Arendelle (c'mon, you know the reference, we all do.)? It's because all of sudden, I have to run. Have to. Blech. It says so right there on my list, therefore it must be true - its part of my dreaded to-do list. I put running - my ME time - into a chore. Shame.

Here is how I am going to change that. I am going to turn the have to training schedule into a want to calendar. For one thing - it's summer - and even though I am not technically on summer vacation, I still want to have fun. 

Here are five ways to spice up the summer training schedule and get you to WANT TO get on it. 

1. Buy a new bathing suit. Say what? Yeah, bathing suit. And I don't mean a Victoria's Secret string thing that we love to look good in but can't actually move too fast in for fear of an escaping twin or spontaneous dive-in pantsing. I mean the kind of two-piece or tankini you would have worn in middle school when you thought you were fat (but of course you weren't at all; You're just as beautiful now as then, and then as now). You need a suit that means business when saying "full-coverage" or "secure fit". I will do a more comprehensive review on my suit in a few weeks, but - spoiler alert - I love Dolfin Uglies. They are priced low for masses but fit securely and do the trick. Ok, so why is she telling us to buy a bathing suit? I digress... because you gotta wear it as a bra ladies and run to the pool, beach, lake, sprinkler, H to the 2-o. Give yourself some awesummer motivation. Get to the water in 30 minutes (or whatever time frame you give yourself) and then - boom - rip your top off (PG, please), instant happy the run is over, instant cool-off, instant fun for the kids if you are pushing them stroller style (like me). If you get a two piece and are tiny up top (like me), you can do pretty much any two piece, tankini, whatevs those girls aren't budging for anything. If your bigger busted checkout a Athleta tankini or tri-two piece suit that fits actual bra-sizes and seriously can be just as secure as your go-to sport bra. The bottoms aren't really too much of an issue - just make sure it's downstairs-friendly and comfortable so we don't have any probs.

2. Count it all as a workout. Did you go to the playground? Bike there. Did you push the swings? See if you can do a squat in between each push of a tot-hiney... or a burpee and get back up before getting hit in the head. Use the monkey bars, the steps, the edges for calves raises, box hops etc. Look at the area - the possibilities for a workout are endless. And an added bonus is that I bet your kids join you. I also bet they think it's fun and that you will too. And then when you get home - check it off on your calendar - crosstraining, boom.

3. Take it with you when you go. I can't train this summer- I am going on vacation. What the what? No, no, no. This is an opportunity! You get to workout somewhere you never have before. Maybe even do something you never have before. Run new routes, swim new pools/lakes, sand drills on the beach. Google workouts for the area you are in, search a running group via facebook and find out whats up in that area. And just like number 2 - count it all. Walk on the beach, check mark. Marco Polo with the kids in the pool (tread water while doing it, flutter kick while at the wall), check mark. Walking Disney World,  touring a city, taking a hike, biking a town, check mark. Be conscious of what your doing when you are doing it and just use your body a little more deliberately. Standing a lot? Think calf raises, holding strong abs. At the Water? Walk the sand, get IN the water and move, jump, play. Play catch, kick a ball, be in plank and have the kids crawl/roll/limbo underenath you. Check mark, check mark!

4. Short and Sweet. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout, 'Cause uhm that's me, today. Remember how I missed my morning run? Well it's too hot to go now and my days booked up. I'm gonna grab a T25 dvd in a little bit and get my sweat on home-style. 25 minute video of hard high intensity work and I am done. It's not a run but I can't go back in time (ohhh that'd be so cool) so it's what I've got to work with and it is a workout! There is no bad workout! If you don't have workout DVDs you can always YouTube, Facebook or Instagram some stuff. Workouts are all over. Look one night when you have time to yourself and book mark where they are or save the quick 10 minute fitness memes. Save them so when you miss a workout you can pull from your library and get her done quick and move on. I mean, don't make a habit of this little shortcut, but let it go mama, it's gonna be alright and you won't forget how to run by tomorrow. I promise.

Click here for a Shaun T 15 minute workout

And here's one to take anywhere, seriously, anywhere: 

5. Make your training schedule pretty, show it off, and mark it up. Make your training schedule - even doctor it up nice and pretty if your like me and can't.help.but.want.to.make.it.pretty. And then show it off. Post it to your social media. I mean, let's be honest, why do we post that we ran today on social medias? To be accountable? To show off? To share with friends? All of the above? Sometimes when I am running I even think about what I'll say on Facebook about my run (what a loser!). It motivates me and even excites me (double loser!) but the goal is to want to to do the workout, right? Knowing I will post my success or even a funny fail about the workout makes me want to do it. I use the app FitSnap to post a pic with my miles and pace on it. It's cute and artistic so it can't be that braggy and obnoxious, right? And finally, mark it up! All those check-marks we made before - put 'em right on that calendar whether it's electronic file you made, or in an app, or pen to paper. Just make a mark so you can look at it and say "yeah I'm kind of a big deal". 

My workout calendar will be posted next week as the RunLifeRunLove Tuesday Training post. 

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