Friday, June 27, 2014

Betty Designs - Visor Review

Friday I'm In Love Review: 

Betty Designs - Signature Visor 2

I have a small head. The kind of small where I never graduated out of the junior department in glasses...or hair bands....or hats. Not a big deal; I mean I'm not walking around all Beatlejuice Head - it fits the rest of me just fine. But every summer - it kind of sucks as a runner. You see, I happen to live at the beach where it is sunny and hot from May to September. In addition to the heat issue - I also happen to have a 35 year old face - that I hope to pass off as a '35 year old face' for at least another 5-7 years. Point is, mamma needs to find some shade. 

I've tried running in hats but due to the tiny noggin issue they fall down over my ears and make me even hotter (as sexy as that sounds, I mean hot in the literal sense). Also, I like to wear my hair in a giant bun high on my head, (I have some serious volume to my locks and it's the only way to go), so a hat is near impossible because I'll take the ear issue and raise you a cone head too. Not ok. 

I've tried visors, and I like them, but my issue is that I have to pull the strap so small on the back they either run out of strap entirely or the Velcro option I am left with is so small it constantly pops open and loose - beyond annoying on a run.

Here's where there story changes: Enter the 2014 visor trend to change the game of small headed runners! I'm don't know where it started or who made it first - but brands have been adopting the elastic wide band of a sport headband to the back of a traditional visor. Holy genius. And I found an awesome one: Betty Designs Signature Visor 2. 

I found it while Googling my new favorite phrase, "womens tri gear". Betty Designs popped up with the words "where runway fashion meets sport" on their homepage. You've got my attention, dear Betty. Betty Designs is kind of like my idea of the perfect fitness clothes. Their stuff looks uber functional fantastic but more (equal, at least!) important - it is beautifully designed... and with an edge, too. Loves it. I like pretty but I don't want pastel flowers like I'm going to a cousins wedding on my work out wear. Give me some edge, I'm tough I can take it - but, oh hey, can you still make it hot? YES, Betty Designs can. 

photos from

I loved everything on Betty Designs site but I am not at their level yet - I am still in the try-ing phase of tri-ing. Betty has full-on tri “kits”, cycling gear, running gear, SUP boards, bikini’s, rash guards and more. But their stuff is straight-up Varsity – and pricey –  so if you don’t have an endless amount of money to blow you better know what to do with your purchase and how to really work it (runway and sport-way). 

While I am not ready for their gear yet, I was ready for their cute visor. I loved it at first sight and hit purchase despite the high price. Three days later I received my Betty Designs package in the mail. Pretty quick turnaround, ey? Well it should be! Cost me $10 just to ship! Ugh, kill me - 10 bucks flat rate even for something as tiny as a visor. I almost didn't buy it because of this alone. I rarely buy anything with shipping cost and if I do - I want $5 and below. But this was so pretty - I cheated my own rule. The shipping snafu was almost fully forgiven once I saw the packaging. I am a sucker for packaging - and this was a good one. Not only was it hot pink plastic envelop but inside my visor slipped out and so did a hand written note! 

No, thank you, Kristen! And how did you know I was training? We're besties already. I love a personal connection - even if it's a faux. 

The feel of this material is crazy smooth - like your favorite pair of wicking shorts than never chaife because they're so light and airy. The color pops with the bright pink contrasting on black and white with Betty Designs logo artwork. Pretty with an edge; Nailed it. The visor itself is made by BoCo Gear.

Next up was putting this bad girl to the melon (or grape) and taking it for a run: Did-not-move and was so light I forgot it was on. Seriously, forgot it was on, "Mom, why're you wearing your new hat thingy to Target?" (Yes, I go to Target unshowered after runs). Kept the sun off my face and sweat locked up in the terry-cloth-ish brow part without feeling hot. Good stuff. 

MOMent of Truth:

I love this visor. I love the design even it's just their logo because, well, it's awesome. I love it because the weight is not existent and because of the boco gear band is functionally perfect for any head (as I assume it comfortably stretches because it certainly feels like it would). 

The only downside to this was the overall price ($29.99) and the $10 shipping. $39.99 for a visor is steep - crazy steep. I love it, but I am kind feeling guilty for the splurge, and I hate to feel guilty for anything but especially don't like any guilt for running stuff because I think about while running - which ain't nobody got time for.

If the shipping was free (or even just more appropriate to the weight of the of the visor and therefore fair/reasonable, than I'd be all over five sneaks. Also you can find this style of visor at stores like Dicks Sporting Goods or Amazon. This Under Armour one fits very nice but is a little heavier and taller on the forehead (which isn't my fav, personally) and is more noticeable while wearing it - but it is significantly cheaper at only $19.99. 

All in all - You had me at design Betty, but you (almost) lost me on the price. I hope to try something more from Betty Designs if I ever move up to varsity and need the real-deal gear...or hit the lottery. 

Betty Designs - Signature Visor 2
3 out 4 Sneakers

This is Sara's opinion - Sara is not affiliated with Betty Design nor compensated in any way for this review

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