If you're feeling positive - read all the way through without reading the paranethesis sections. If you want a little humor and light heartened negativity - read straight through with the omitted sections, too.
9. You've been [talking about] training for a triathlon all summer.
8. You are ready for transitions because you have practiced [putting a sparkle skirt on over wet spandex].
7. You have swam, biked and ran your ass off [at the waterpark and on a beach cruiser].
6. You are so glad you [only] signed up for a [sprint] triathlon.
5. You have your kit [kats] packed.
4. You are [not] confident in wearing spandex while a professional photographer is on stand by.
3. All you can think about is [the finish of] your triathlon.
2. You are [freaking out and not] looking forward to running without music and a run pace tracker.
1. You are [1/3] confident you've got this triathlon locked in.
Very witty Sara. Especially liked this one: "You have your kit [kats] packed."